• Our LT range combines performance and capacity in a compact crane that makes it easy to position the crane in areas of limited accessibility
  • 10m to 14m length horizontally and up to 20.3 with an inclined JiB
  • Up to 1500Kg maximum load
  • Configurable with traditional mechanical system of relays or by means of a PLC with a touch screen that facilitates crane adjustment and configuration
  • Electric enclosure with 3 variators, can be used with 230V or 400V power supply
  • Safety mechanisms and sensors for safe handling of your loads
  • Hydraulic assembly of JiB and column
  • Optional radio remote control with buttons or joystick
  • Designed so that the travelling assembly does not exceed 3500Kg in its approved RD-Road configuration, to allow it to be transported on conventional roads by means of a light vehicle (permit B+E) of MMR< 3500Kg
  • Depending on the model, there is the XP-EXPRESSoption, where all the counterweights (assembly and work) are included in the crane, so no additional transport of counterweights is required
  • Easy assembly in just 12 minutes by one person. Depending on the configuration, it does not require any additional means
  • Choice of metal or concrete counterweights
  • It is the perfect crane for the small and medium-sized builder, in building work, maintenance, repairs, extensions and improvements, in projects at low heights or with difficult access
In its approved RD-Road configuration, the LT range allows the transport of the crane by means of a light vehicle (B+E license)
Model Config. Height Radius Máx. JiB Trailer
MiDi CRANES LT12.14 STD 12 14 800 kg 250 kg ST - SITE TRAILER
STD 12 14 800 kg 250 kg RD - ROAD TRAILER
STD 12 14 800 kg 250 kg RD XP - EXPRESS ROAD TRAILER
PLUS 12 14 1200 kg 325 kg ST - SITE TRAILER
PLUS 12 14 1200 kg 325 kg RD - ROAD TRAILER
MiDi CRANES LT14.14 STD 14 14 1500 kg 350 kg ST - SITE TRAILER
STD 14 14 1500 kg 350 kg RD - ROAD TRAILER
STD 14 14 1500 kg 350 kg RD XP - EXPRESS ROAD TRAILER
MiDi CRANES LS15.17 STD 15 17 1500 kg 510 kg RD - ROAD TRAILER